Who I am.

Hi, I'm Michele Rose!

I was blessed growing up knowing what quiet felt like, a tiny town surrounded in nature. I began to trust my intuition at an early age, and followed my own path. Life wasn’t always easy, but I trusted in my dreams.

Growing up I was always told I was too quiet or shy. What I didn’t know then, was that holding space and supporting people was my gift.

I felt the need to fly, and I travelled and explored. I was always eager to see new areas, experience new cultures, and learn what life was like for other people.

I started nursing school as a teenager and have worked as a registered nurse since 2008. I have tried many areas of the nursing field, always learning and growing. I have loved the experiences that I have had, and all the connections I have made along the way.

Areas of interest were always with teaching, mental health support, endoscopy, and the transitions that occur during birth and death. I realize the similarities between all these very different areas was the connection to people, helping educate people on their health, and supporting the transitions in peoples lives.

I have realized in the last few years that my passion for my future career is outside of the ‘traditional’ path of health care. I have continued to follow my intuition both in my personal life and in my career. I have always kept a curious heart and have thankfully found the world of Ayurveda Health and complementary care.

In 2016 I moved away from the city and back to the tranquility of the forest, once again following my intuition and my heart. My partner and I built a home together and lived mainly off grid during that time. I felt peace, stability, and connection to Mother Earth in a way I hadn’t in quite some time. It was so much fun to build a life and a home together that was our creation. This is when the idea of dusty rose lifestyle started to become a reality. If I can live my ‘dusty rose life’, why can’t everyone?

I have taken multiple courses in different areas throughout the years. In 2022 I graduated from Shakti School and became an Ayurveda Health Coach. In the summer of 2022 I took a 200 hour yoga teacher training and graduated as a certified yoga teacher. I continued my Ayurveda studies and in 2023 graduated as an Ayurveda Health Counsellor. I have taken Reiki trainings and hold a certificate as a Reiki Master. Other certifications I have gained are energy healing, sound healing, and life coaching.

I am a firm believer that we are always growing and evolving, if we choose to be. I love learning new things and am passionate about sharing the knowledge that I have gained throughout the years.