Health Empowerment &

Wellness Education.

“A doctor of the future will give no medication but will interest his patient in the care of the human frame, diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.”

—Thomas Edison

“Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies.”

— Albert Einstein

Seeing the forest through the trees.

When you are in a health crisis it can be difficult to have clarity and insight on how to feel better.

My goal is to understand your health concerns and lifestyle goals to provide options that are suited to your unique situation.

At dusty rose lifestyle I believe health shouldn’t be expensive or overwhelming. Ayurveda offers many health and lifestyle options that are inexpensive (or free!) that actually work.

Sessions (or courses) are intended to help you recognize your health patterns, manage symptoms, and trust your intuition to promote health and longevity.

Take your health into your own hands, live the best possible life, and break free from unhealthy cycles with Ayurveda!

Having your dream life, starts with living your dream life. There is no better time to take action than right now.

Health counselling and lifestyle support aimed at minimizing the effects of dis-ease and promoting health longevity.

“Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for lifetime.”

Investing in health counselling today will lead to a lifetime of benefit, not only for yourself but those around you as well. Learn tried and true techniques to support your life and come to a place of balance in a hectic world.

Dis-ease is not a normal part of aging. Ayurveda is aimed at maintaining health and/or correcting imbalances that lead to further illness.

Your health is in your hands. Get clear on your health history, health patterns, and what is holding you back from living the life you deserve with dusty rose lifestyle.

The dusty rose lifestyle approach

The health care system is overwhelmed.

Western models of health care put power in the hands of doctors, clinicians, and pharmaceutical companies.

No two people (or health concerns) are exactly the same, therefore no treatment plans should be exactly the same.

My approach to Ayurveda health counselling is aimed at educating and empowering my clients to take control of their health by understanding patterns and symptoms.

Knowledge and practices from various lineages (including western health care, Ayurveda, Yoga, Reiki, Pranayama, and Mediation) allow us to find root causes of your symptoms and help break free of disease patterns.